Friday, April 27, 2012

Another week in the books... no wait, we are property managers, there is still Saturday and Sunday to go!

Be sure and check out my next article for new landlords about the concept of depreciation.  Drop me a line at if you would like to be added to the distribution list.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Single family housing as the new asset class?

A lot of press lately about single family housing becoming the new asset class for big investors.  I think it can be done profitably for small investors also.  Recently, one of our property owners picked up a 1,900 ft +/(-) property for $110,000.  Property needed $5,000 of cosmetic repairs to get it ready to rent.  It should rent for $1,300 per month.  $15,600 gross rents per year on a $115,000 investment...Not bad.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life of a property manager

The life of a property manager-Saturday morning, service call scheduled, technician on the phone and I can't find the tenant;  Property showing at 11:00, prospect calls and is just leaving.....North Carolina.  Alas, the day is only half over;  more adventures for the afternoon.